Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A New Soccer Season Starts Soon!

Can you believe it is already time to prepare for soccer in the fall?!
Hopefully you have been playing a LOT of soccer and keeping in shape during the past few months. 
Also with a new season will come some coaching changes.  We wish Coach Clifford and Coach Christensen the best, esp. with their babies on the way!  They each had great impacts on the CHS soccer program and in the lives of each team member.  Coaches, you will be missed!
I (Coach Blair) am excited to continue working with the team as head coach!  I love soccer, but love our team even more!  I look forward to working with the returning players and their families as well as the new players and families that will join the CHS soccer family.
I look forward to seeing each of you at our player/parent meeting in May and don't forget conditioning will start in June.